Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where are The Good Old Days?

In an increasingly competitive world, whose demands are not just perfection but its highest degree - i have become lost in oblivion.... not knowing what you want can be a dangerous state.... your helpless and terrified...... its almost like you have nothing..... which in a sense is true..... I always took for granted the time where I didn't have to worry about so many things..... when all that was left to do at the end of the day is finishing your homework or cleaning your room...... but then I was rapt with these dreamy ideas of what being an adult would be like...... how i would be part of a crazy web of endless nights spent wiling away my youth and the wee hours meeting deadlines and earning my bread....
....now when your at that point, it becomes hard to accept that no book or film matched that kind of dramatic fiction..... now it seems like your stuck and good times are but memories...... it seems like I'm craving for those moments in the past that doesn't make me afraid or tired....... when it didn't matter if I couldn't figure something out..... it was ok..... I was just a child...

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