Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Dear Coquet...

.... The coquets of both sexes are self-lovers, and that is a love no other whatever can dispossess.....

- John Gay (The Beggar's Opera)

It is slightly unfair to start on such a narcissistic note but on the other hand that is something they have had to face from society and its members..... before anything, for all those who may not know, a Coquet is someone who behaves flirtatiously with no serious intention.... now this definition alone is enough to attract a few and tick off a few.... but please, do not judge them...... they are perhaps blamed, even more than their brazen and promiscuous counterparts..... some even refuse to acknowledge a distinction...... while both are to be given their due respect, they aren't the same.... they are different ball games altogether...... the coquets by nature look for fun and light hearted interactions..... they move freely and while they do push the envelope - eventually there is a line they will not let you or anyone cross...... it may be one of the most irksome features of the coquet...... they walk uninhibited by the inherent rules and boundaries created by society..... they dont believe in such lines, or atleast they feel they are a little blurred.......
You may even be able to spot the coquet.... they are the men who walk with a confident stride who personally and tastefully respond to the approving looks of each onlooker..... they are the women who run their fingers through her wild free hair and smiles most becomingly at both the businessman who crosses her path and the cobbler she passes alongside....... what is most attractive about them is their unabashed straightforwardness coupled with their wit and charm....... they are not all supermodel looks, they may not even be in their prime..... but what you do find common amongst them is the frivolous spontaneity, a complete disregard towards commitment, drunk with the idea of love - which they prefer to keep as just an 'idea' and a tantalizing love for The Chase..... but often for these very endearing faculties they are labelled and looked down upon..... but they can't really help it and its not that they haven't tried...... its true, chances are they have broken a few hearts and expectations.... but you know, they never told you to build castles in the air..... they are sad that they lead you along without intending to but don't like fingers being unduly pointed at them...... after all, they never said they were looking for a commitment.... why blame them for your misunderstanding...... and its even worse when you associate this nature with their friendships and professional relationships...... they are friends that are just as reliable and professionals just as competent...... they prefer to be perceived as callous rather than telling you something that they know will never happen.......
............but thats the vicious underbelly they hope will change someday..... but neither does it keep them from living their life...... for a coquet all that is much too serious to actually follow..... and it acts as a deterrent to their ways that are strongly governed by their individuality.... while they are all respectable, serious and completely reliable when it comes to work and responsibility...... in matters of the heart either be really sure or it is always best to take their words and actions with a pinch of salt...... they are ingrained with the spirit of the wild horse that cannot be tamed, who desires nothing more than to enjoy their journey rather than focus on the destination........