Monday, July 4, 2011

Not your regular dodge-ball...

Now of late.... due to long hours of television.... it seems like, anything and everything boils down to what kind of man/woman you like or want...... everyone will agree that it is a tricky business and you must tread carefully...... its about so many things, that people before wouldn't think about...... all these different terms like "compatibility", "understanding", "connection" are like dodge-balls flying all over the place and we are desperately looking for cover......
i'll be honest, i dont want to be hit by the dodge-ball..... for obvious reasons
1. It hurts and
2. Your out of the game!.....
not that I'm much of a player.......... but its good to know that you have options..... But it seems in recent times people have gone much too risque while playing....... there are many things i can neither understand nor appreciate...... as I feel there are certain factors which should be a part of any relationship....
honesty - always be clear of your intentions, however innocent or otherwise, they may be........
trust - that when someone says they didn't get drunk in a party, you don't run a surveillance check on their activities 'just to be sure'....
comfort zone - if you are not comfortable enough to be in your own skin with this person, it is not a relationship with much of feelings being shared.........

as simple and cliched as these factors may be...... they are actually the most rare and precious........ probably why people like me dont believe, in this day and age, such relationships work...... its sad.... but true.....
But that doesnt stop an ever optimistic crowd from dreaming or creating their hybrid partner...... and in light of such a moment, i think i will indulge......

I dont care for chivalry.... a lot of women find it a very desirable trait.... but its like being treated like a fragile vase.... not up my alley.......

Charming is good but excessive charming means - your trouble!..... this is not your first time and clearly won't be your last..... and chances are that whatever you said will not be taken at face value....

It is said that the brilliant plumage of a peacock acts as a visual display to attract potential mates.... such colourful display only works for a peacock!..... there are the occasional few who pull off a splash of colour (just a splash!) but thats the exception......

There should be something to talk about and not how fat your paycheck is or how your mother absolutely dotes on you..... but something that both enjoy or atleast one enjoys listening to..... Bottom Line- if you cant hold a conversation, you cant hold a relationship......

some women like macho....... some like sensitive...... some like people who will write them epic poetry........... but nothing beats your funny guy..... theres something about a person who can make you laugh...... its disarming, its hard to resist and it usually means that it will atleast stand a chance of being a friendship........

theres also something about a man who is persistent...... the one who very subtly refuses to back out..... do not confuse the kinds for the ones that are in your face all the time..... or who don't understand NO.... they are the ones that despite your crazy, irrational fears - stick around and give a damn!.......
I would like to end this almost surrealistic session with a quote by Art Cooper -

"When I was a young man, I had a mentor on women and he said when you meet a woman that you think you like, don't ask her for a drink. Take her out for a bowl of soup. Because a woman who can enjoy a bowl of soup is bound to be more interesting."

P.S - As you probably may have guessed, I love soup!

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